Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fall craft idea- Pomander Balls

I was getting out my fall decorations and thought of the wonderful fall scent that pomander balls bring to your home.  I've made these in the past and they are an easy and fun craft for the family.

What you'll need:
  • apples or oranges (or other citrus fruit)
  • toothpicks
  • 50 g whole cloves
  • 2 tbsp spice(s) (my favorite to use is cinnamon)
  • ribbon
How to make:
  1. Use a toothpick to poke holes into the fruit and insert cloves in the holes.  Or simply use the stem on the whole cloves and poke into your fruit.  You may do this in a pattern or completely cover the fruit.
  2. Place the spice(s) in a bowl or on a paper and roll the fruit until evenly covered.
  3. Allow the fruit to dry in a cool, dark place for about 3 weeks.
  4. To hang pomander balls, make a loop with ribbon and secure with glue or pins.

Use metal skewers to hold down beach towel/blanket

With Fall (and football season) upon us, for any windy last minute trips to the beach, use metal skewers to stake down your beach towel or blanket!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A free budgeting and financial tool is a free financial tool  website which provides money management capabilities. The site allows you to quickly and securely add your bank accounts and other assets. It categorizes what you spend your money on, how much you spend, and can help you stay on a budget (or show you how much over your budget you are). There are also graphs and goal setting tools.

The beginning of a blog

When I brought up the subject of a blog to my husband, he had some trepidation, and said "you better not write anything about me!"  I assured him that is not the type of blog I am going for. What I was hoping to achieve was a forum to share tips, ideas, recipes, discounts or special deals, and anything to make life a little easier and enriched.  So now it begins...